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That Projector Life

Mar 4, 2020

Bitter Projectors are almost like a different species of Projector. You think you’re approaching a warm, inviting aura...and then BAM you find yourself in the middle of a harsh blizzard. It’s cold. It’s hostile. And it’s draining.

And that, dear friends, is one way to identify a bitter Projector. Energetically, they feel like manifestors. Or at least, they feel extra repelling - it’s almost like you can feel the bitterness and negative vibes coming off them like waves.

So if you pick up on that, you have a bitter Projector on your hands.

But how do you talk to them? And how else can you identify a bitter Projector? That's what we're chatting about in this episode. 


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For all the links mentioned in this episode, check out the complete show notes: